

Welcome to the digital copy of Albert Schwarz's "Life in the Army” a World War II Scrapbook that is homed in the University of Mary Washington’s Special Collections. Included on this website are scans of the original book and images with transcriptions of Albert’s comments throughout the book. The transcriptions are formatted in a Powerpoint slide that mimics the original format of the scrapbook page to give the images and comments the appropriate context. This scrapbook can be found in the Special Collections in the UMW library. View our website's Instagram page at for project updates and information. Contact the UMW Special Collections and Archives at to make an appointment to view the original source. 

How to use this site: Use the search feature and the menu at the top of this page to move through the website. Original scans of the scrapbook both with and without OCR (Optical Character Reader) friendly transcriptions are available under the Scrapbook page, which allows viewers to see the pages in the original order. Visit the Guide page to learn how to search the site and items for specific terms and subjects. Use the Biographies page to view special highlights of specific people and places featured most throughout the scrapbook. Use the Storymap JS page to view some of the highlights of Albert Schwarz's and his friend's travels. The StoryMap JS chronologically organizes the scrapbook, which was assembled with dates out of order. All external tools such as the original oral interview with Albert Schwarz's wife Jane, and the scrapbook itself, also have PDF backups that are stored on the Resources page. This action was done to ensure the longevity and accessibility of this project. The Acknowledgments page serves as a contact list for further information and to highlight the creators of this website.